just want to remind assyrians that ridiculuing or judging other assyrians, notably chaldean catholics in iraq, for being “arabised”, is shaming them for their own oppression. the aggressive arabisation/kurdification of our people in iraq was not their choice.
not only is “chaldean” not a dialect - but a christian denomination of assyrians concentrated in the nineveh plains, it just kind of malicious to laugh at our use of arabic loan words or the adoption of arabic given the circumstances against us.
it also feels like no one bats an eye when assyrians from elsewhere use around the same amount of kurdish, persian or turkish loan words combined? why is that? are the arabic loans somehow more deserving of contempt, or is it just funny to laugh at the “chaldeans”
need everyone to think about the implications of this and how this furthers the division between our people. you can’t be simultaneously angry at the sectarianism and also legitimise & perpetuate it with behaviour like this. end thread
long story short; stop shaming assyrians for their own oppression and cultural erasure & stop with the elitism. no assyrian is more assyrian than the other. https://twitter.com/mariamlobster/status/1279968362563399680?s=21 https://twitter.com/mariamlobster/status/1279968362563399680
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