P points out that my coming around to diploma privilege coincided suspiciously with my beginning to study for the bar exam, to which I say: Everyone's a cynic
In truth? I still worry gatekeepers in this highly tradition-bound profession could treat DP as a blemish on the entire class of 2020, with disproportionate harm to new lawyers from already marginalized groups. But it's the only remotely equitable option of many terrible ones
Re: "many terrible ones," this thread provides a helpful overview of what states have been proposing. (As of now, CA *seems to be* in the "business as usual, but later" bucket, preparing to shift to "online, but later") https://twitter.com/alittleleader/status/1275212808595136514
In-person is reckless; online, even IF it goes smoothly, is an added & unfair advantage for those with a quiet space to work for 2 full days & stable internet. I'm writing to @StateBarCA in support of diploma privilege tonight https://twitter.com/DiplomaPriv4All/status/1279623718407266304
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