if you don't like someone or their opinions on a matter, unf them. if you think someone did sumn wrong, confront them privately and figure out if it was intentional or was it taken out of context. if they realise and apologize, accept it or leave it.
we are all humans, we do have feeling, we do make mistakes. cyber bullying them, saying hateful things, asking them to deactivate or worse, asking them to k*ll themselves is not right. we can only educate people on certain levels, beyond that is up to them.
the amount of toxicity here is insane. everyday someone gets "cancelled" and now, so many accs are leaving. we have yet to realise that people behind those accs are humans too. all im asking is to be kind to one another bec most of us are here to escape the harsh reality irl.
ever since cancel culture started, idk about others, but even i can't voice out or speak about my thoughts or opinions without fearing that somebody will take my words out of context or twist it and cancel me. it brings so much of anxiety, thinking if every word i put out there +
is constructed correctly. it brings so much of anxiety, waking up fearfully, wondering if you're cancelled. yes, people are not always right. we have to learn that. we are all here to have fun times being a stan acc and make friends.
idk how would people would take this thread, i hope people dont misunderstand me, or twist my words or "cancel" me. im just asking us to be nice to each other. its not hard. i really hope i laid out my thoughts correctly. even right this moment, im scared to click "tweet" but +
i have to say what has to be said. this is personally what i think, and i dont intend to hurt anyone. besides that, there are so many great people on this app that i appreciate and i love you, if you're reading this. thank u for taking your time reading this. have a good day!
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