I remember when i first started making music I would be at my finance job from 9-5 then come home and watch YouTube tutorials on producing from 6-3am then repeat that for about 8 months straight. Only point im trying to make is i hope no one feels completely doomed by corona
This is a time where we have to swallow our pride and get creative financially. Most artists make in a weekend what many dont even make in a month. We were spoiled tbh. The financial advisor in me always had a plan b if this ever ran out. Definitely easier said than done tho
To some art is their only way of life and they refuse to do anything else and i get that...but no one is forcing us not to do something else if it pays the bills.

Also this is only temporary
Also i have tons of friends that worked shit jobs to help pursue their dreams in music and thats fukin awesome. I think they get what im talking about at least
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