Bill Clinton, a 'New Democrat' like #JoeBiden, made sure to use Stone Mountain as the backdrop to his campaign announcement back in the day. I remember. The DNC dog whistles haven't stopped.
Slightly-less-overt racism has always been the brand for 'New Democrats' like #JoeBiden, the Clintons, and the DLC. For example "[Hillary Rodham Clinton] used racially coded rhetoric to cast black children as animals" — Professor Michelle Alexander, Esq.
Remember that #JoeBiden, whose racism and anti-blackness matches or exceeds that of the Clintons, used the phrase "predators" to describe who his criminal bill was targeting. Whistle heard loud and clear @JoeBiden
It would take weeks to list all of the racist things #JoeBiden has done over his career, but I'm just going to recycle a few that I've already posted. Feel free to add more by commenting on this thread. There's his anti-busing stance:
There was his tight friendships with open segregationists Strom Thrumond and Jesse Helms.
There were his ongoing personal attacks against the Reverend Jesse Jackson (who vehemently opposed #JoeBiden's racist crime bill). One of the more ugly incidents was when Biden referred to Jackson as "that boy." #DogWhistle
For me, what really seared the vision of #JoeBiden as a raging racist and misogynist was his horrendous treatment of Professor Anita Faye Hill. I will never forget or forgive what he did.
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