White individuals commit crime all the time but white people aren’t subjected to racist policing.

So the idea that we, as Black people, have to resolve the issue of crime in order for us to live free of racist policing is RACIST. 1/
You’re saying I,

a tax-paying individual,

solely b/c I am racially Black,

have to find a solution to prevent crime that I’m not personally committing if I want to no longer experience the terror of racist policing in America? 🤔

Then we definitely don’t need police LOL 2/
The gov’t engineers the conditions of poverty thru its policies, chooses to fund the police & prison industry instead of improving quality of life which leads to an increase in crime & then says we have to solve the problems they created if we want cops to stop killing us. 💀3/3
Why does the solution always require us performing more free labor? A white person does not have same experience of policing that I do nor are they ever required to provide alternatives to policing in order for people to say “maybe police shouldn’t be harassing & killing them.”
I really think we need to just shut it down as a step one and then go from there. I don’t agree that we have to have an immediate alternative to policing when policing itself is a vehicle of violence & crime. We aren’t preventing crime when police are a criminal enterprise.
When I see a police officer, I feel fear. When I hear a police siren, I feel terror. If a cop pulls me over, I wonder if I’m going to survive the encounter. If you’re telling me that crime is still rampant under these conditions then I don’t see why need police to exist.
Folks keep making these “Black on Black” crime arguments & my response is to just call more forcefully for the immediate abolishing of police forces. They’re saying police aren’t preventing crime, communities must do it, while using that as justification for state violence.
Wouldn’t it then make sense to transfer all the funding from police to the community orgs & individuals who you say must do the labor of conflict resolution and crime prevention? But that’s not what they propose. They propose painting murals while otherwise continuing w/ racism.
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