So, @jk_rowling is at it again, and I know I'll probably get blocked for being a trans woman but here we go.

Joanne, firstly I respect your opinion and appreciate it probably comes from a true place of care for kids and womens spaces. No doubt about it. 1/?
But it seems to be incredibly misguided.
Especially the concern of it being some kind of new conversion therapy.
Sexual attraction and gender identity are separate. That much is true. There are a wide range of sexualities in the trans community. 2/?
Saying that gay men are transitioning essentially to avoid homophobia is wild. For multiple reasons. For one, Gay men are much more widely accepted in today's age than trans individuals and the homophobia that is there today often comes hand in hand with transphobia 3/?
Addressing your concern of trans people trying to erode womanhood, or the concept of womanhood. I can assure you, the vast majority of is do not want that. We rely on the concept of womanhood to be and to socially transition, to erode it would be counter productive but 4/?
It would also be highly damaging to women who are more often that not oppressed by men in this world.
Women should be able to talk about their bodies, about periods, about childbirth. No one is claiming to the contrary. You have issues that others don't 4/?
That should be able to be spoken about without question. And we will fight by your side for these issues as any decent person, man or woman, Cis or Trans
(Cis here is purely being used to refer to people who identify with the sex.) 5/?
Yes, hormone treatment can have side effects. For example the medication I am on gives me a higher risk of heart issues, breast cancer (if it runs in the family) and lung cancer(if I smoke)
These were all clearly outlined to me when i was being evaluated for prescription. 7/?
And I have accepted those risks. Doctors and psychologists gave me the knowledge about how it would make me sterile, and to heavily consider if I wanted kids in the future. And I still went through with everything.
Where this can slip up is something called. DIY transitioning 8/?
Some places, you can just buy hormone pills. Personally I think this can be an issue as you dont get given the insight to the side effects these drugs can have, but the best way to solve this?
More funding to gender clinics so people can go through the official channels.
So people may wait a while, really thing and be informed on what can happen medically.
Many people DIY because they dont have access to any official channels so they see it as their only option.
Get these kids to see professionals and be informed by then the risks.
Lastly, this isnt so much a point towards you, but some if your supporters.
I can assure you, we don't want to brainwash people into being trans.
That is the furthest from what we want.
We know what it's like to be seen in a way we do not feel.
If your sex is male and you love that we would hate to try and force you to be a woman, if your sex is female and you love that we would hate to force you to be a man.
We only ask that you let us be what we feel.
Im not biologically female, it's TRUE and I wouldnt argue otherwise.
I am predisposed to getting prostate cancer and certain drugs will effect me differently as I am of the male sex.
But socially and physically I dont 't feel like a Man. Effeminate or masculine.
Being a man or a woman isnt just or sex, although it does predispose us to certain things. It's social and physical. Built on our experiences too.
Your experience is important. But do is ours. I just ask that you respect that.
I accept this may not get seen, or may give me a bunch of hate from both sides. But as the vitriol that has been slung at you by your detractors has been hurtful to you.
Your words are hurtful too, to the people who have been fighting for decades to be acknowledged as equals 15/?
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