Are you a person of color who has experienced disenfranchisement or violence based on your ability or desire to make eye contact?

Your voice must be heard.

Please reply or retweet with your experiences.

I would like to have a hashtag for this, but haven't thought of one.
@ white people:

This is not the time to share your experiences. Please let your engagement be limited to retweets and asking polite and constructive questions to those who share their experiences. Do not, however, ask them to educate you.
I would like to extend credit to @HabenGirma for starting the original thread that led to the creation of this space.

Please take your time to read this thread and its replies.
You can follow @animadiscordia.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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