IMO 'urbanist' is used as a stand-in for someone who believes in a particular array of left-liberal urban policies that happens to have a few key differences from the array of urban policies that is currently coded as The Leftist Urban Policies
it's really at bottom a dispute between people who are first and foremost interested in cities and also identify as leftist/left-ish/socdem, and people who first and foremost identify as leftists and derive from that a particular outlook on cities
no i don't think i'm more interested in 'data' than anyone else. i just think my ideology is derived from the belief in a particular set of urban problems being the most important right now that is a little different from what some others think.
i agree but on a certain level this is a conflict over what gets to count as a leftist stance on cities and i do think there is an asymmetrical amount of interest in resolving this question that tilts it in one direction
we don't even have to get into housing to see this. one group has taken an interest in reducing transit construction costs as a linchpin issue for improving quality of life for people in cities. another has not, because it doesn't map onto anything else particularly well.
yeah and this is where i get frustrated because it does occasionally delve into an ingroup/outgroup thing where the outgroup is made out to be uncaring rather than having really what amounts to a different approach to a broadly similar end goal
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