I want to talk about being homeless - I promise not to get too heavy, but people ask questions and the most common question how does it happen
There isn't one easy answer and there isn't an easy way out once you are homeless
Everyone who has been homeless will have their own experience will disagree with some of this and that is fine, homeless people, like other people in life don't fit into one box, but they often sleep in them
For me the worst bit was the feeling of shame, that I was at fault, everytime I felt and knew that i was being judged, some of that judgment was in my case probably justified I think I probably learned to run away from problems
But it is the invisibilty that hurts, the loss of friends, and eventually it just becomes a habit
The glares as you attempt not be a nuisance as you look for somewhere safe to sleep, and of course the lads, and it is always lads, who decide that your situation can be a laugh
The sitting in the pub hoping that last orders and kicking out time doesn't come too quickly
The lies as everyone smiles and says see you later and heads home
As you try to hold down a job (if you have one) but people start to notice, I don't really understand that bit and maybe never will, but the looks and the chatter, you know its happening
But anyway it becomes a real problem
No home, no real sleep, and too much time spent looking for somewhere to live
But try finding somewhere to live when you don't have a current address - its almost impossible
And then if you don't have a job, or lose your job you can't get a job without an address
And even for someone like me (humble brag) the benefits system is a nightmare
But I was lucky and I made good friends who looked after me, yeah some were people most would avoid but they knew the safe places and always knew if someone was in trouble
So where does this end: I guess I'm saying homelessness is complex, people are homeless for many reasons but there is only one solution - a home
Support, a job and benefits are great but without a home/bed to sleep in they solve nothing
Because when you are always first into the workplace, last to leave and are caught brushing your teeth in the toilets you are judged
Anyway if you see someone sleeping or huddled in a corner on the streets, sometimes they don't want your money, they aren't asking for money, just a smile and a 'good morning' is enough
It is being blanked that hurts the most
Oh and i will end with this, if you ever see someone in a sleeping bag on th streets, in a car park or anywhere and you decide pissing on them is a laugh, there is a very special place in hell for you
And to end - I'm lucky, I'm fine and in a good place now so please don't worry about me xx
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