@jk_rowling "I've ignored porn tweeted at children on a thread about their art." so you are not only a bigoted transphobe but you ignore porn tweeted at children? i think youre worried about the wrong situation here. point is, youre not gay. youre not trans. youre not part of-
-the lgbtq community. you have no say on this. you cannot possibly be a feminist when you only stand up for cis women. please educate yourself and stop speaking about things that dont concern you. you have hurt countless memebers of the lgbtq and trans communities, and you-
continue to do so everytime you open your mouth to speak about issues you know very little about, and everytime you post transphobia on twitter.
i hope you learn why what youre saying is harful to the community, and how so many children that have read your books are now questioning your identity because of your bigoted transphobic words
now: a thread of comments that explain what im saying perfectly
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