ok ladies here the thing... you can shoot your shot!! there's nothing wrong with letting a man know you're interested. biblically - look at Ruth! but after he know's your interest - he needs to take on the role of pursuer. God designed it to work that way. let him take the lead.
if he doesn't take the lead - he's simply showing you that he isn't ready or capable of having a healthy, godly relationship. God designed man to pursue, protect, provide for, cherish, & love women. it's in a man's natural instinct. he is made in God's image & its how God sees us
so if that guy doesn't make an effort, doesn't ask you on dates, doesn't ask any personal/faith related questions, doesn't take initiative, or make his interest in your known & his intentions made clear- then you need to walk away & stop engaging. he's showing you he's not ready.
ladies - God's design for marriage is for a husband to specifically love his wife, and lead her in God's way - and for a wife to respect, honor, submit and love her husband. the submission is beautiful when a husband sacrifically loves. but it isn't if he doesnt know how to love.
God teaches us how to love well. so make sure that guy knows God & takes the Word of God seriously. if he doesn't know God, he's not going to know how to love you in the way God intends for you to be loved.

God's way is what we're made for. don't compromise your standards.
a true man of God will lead once he has an interest. i don't mean control - i mean gently, patiently, & loving lead the relationship. he should be getting to know you INTENTIONALLY. look at his actions - not just his words. do you see the fruits of the Spirit in him?
a man who flirts & makes you feel pretty & treats you nice is great - but it gets old real fast if that man is inconsistent, undependable, can't communicate his feelings, isn't intentional about your future together, isnt focused on God. wait for the guy who is intentional.
& most importantly - i cannot stress this enough - PRAY. our hearts NEED to be guarded in the beginning stages. our feelings are fickle & we're prone to infatuation. be in prayer about your worries & feelings. ask for discernment & guidance & CONFIRMATION. God will guide you.
for me - i had a lot of fears from past experiences & was fiercly independent. i had to pray through my anxieties & doubts. jonny was SO patient & kind & clear about his feelings & intentions but NEVER made me feel rushed or pressured to make a decision to "make it official"
i wanted to wait for confirmation from God. i had rushed into things in the past because of loneliess & desire for relationship. so i wanted to be sure. one day God gave me such sudden peace after praying about it & i just knew that he was the one for me. i had clarity.
maybe its not this way for everyone. but God says if he knock, He will answer. so ask for confirmation. wait until you feel peaceful & assured of the decision to commit. get wise counsel & opinions from people who love & care for you. & pray CONTINUALLY.
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