All LGBTQ people live amidst the human wreckage of the refusal of society to accept us as we are, and as we say we are. Our high rates of mental distress, those driven to drug abuse, those of us beaten up, people we've lost to suicide. Emotional scars, physical scars.
The campaign against gay people and gay rights by media organisations and politicians in the 1980s and 1990s in particular inflicted terrible and avoidable emotional damage.

The same is now happening to trans people.
The number of trans people who detransition is statistically tiny.

Studies consistently show that transitioning improves trans people's wellbeing.

Comparing trans people getting the support they need to conversion therapy - the torture of gay people - is absolutely grotesque.
Rather than trans people getting the support they need at the click of a fingers, the average NHS England waiting list for the first *appointment* at a gender identity clinic is 18 months.

13,500 transgender and non-binary adults are now on such waiting lists in England.
When climate deniers lacking expertise claim the climate emergency has been invented by politically motivated scientists and their allies, most of us know that is a harmful lie.

Now unqualified celebrities claim to know better than medical experts about trans people's wellbeing.
The media and opponents of trans people spend infinitely more time obsessing with trans people than they do with the people who commit hate crimes against gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans people: homophobic hate crimes have doubled in 5 years, transphobic hate crimes have trebled
Let's stop pretending wealthy celebrities using their privileged platforms to pile on LGBTQ people - who are suffering escalating hate crimes - are the real victims in all of this. They're not.
And yes, it is not ideal that I now have to turn my replies off when I tweet about LGBTQ issues, but I've received enough messages from vulnerable LGBTQ people who've read through the resulting bile to know it's actually causing them distress and harm.
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