updated this for those of you who don’t fucking get it https://twitter.com/tranganhdong/status/783005633310097408
don’t even entertain the idea of “kanye 2020” it’s divisive and it is distracting from and potentially aiding in the very real possibly of trump getting elected again. it’s not funny. there is SO much at stake with this election.
listen I don’t like biden either but if trump is re-elected it is unsure if RBG will make it another four years. and he WILL absolutely replace her with someone just as vile as Brett Kavanaugh. don’t be an idiot.
YES, in a perfect democracy everyone should be able to vote for whoever they want but because the US operates on a two-party system it is just simply is not a viable option to vote for a third party candidate, especially in this election, regardless of if they’re legit or not.
It is absolutely your right to vote for whomever you choose but please remember that voting is also a privilege in a way. There are many people in the United States who have been stripped of their voting rights and people who just can not afford to vote.
You can follow @tranganhdong.
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