It's the first Sunday, which is generally fast and testimony meeting in LDS churches. So I would like to share my testimony.

I have a testimony that the Church has had a difficult past, to say the least. I have a testimony that the Church is imperfect.
I have a testimony that the Church has been anti-feminist, racist, homophobic and transphobic. I have a testimony that these things have caused people to be violently removed from their spiritual home--sometimes kicked out by leaders they trusted.
I also have a testimony that the Church's actions, refusal to apologize for past wrongs, and imperfect reasonings have caused immense agony and despair to many. It has caused hurt, which hurt has even lead to death by suicide. I know that repentance requires apology.
I have a testimony of repentance and I long for the day when the Church makes restitution for its actions.

I have a testimony that if we don't speak up and acknowledge honestly the issues in our Church, nothing can change. Nothing will change!
I have a testimony that when people know better, they do better, and therefore education is vital to the people of our faith. I have a testimony that someday, the Church *will* do right by its members, whether they be Caucasian or not, heterosexual or not, cisgender or not.
I know this because Christ leads this Church. I have a testimony, though, that leaders are not infallible, & I have a responsibility to educate myself & to use the gift of personal revelation to do so.

I walk by faith, seeing nothing. I have a testimony that God meets me here.
I pray that the Lord will guide us as we work to acknowledge the imperfections of our Church and as we work and speak out to change them for the better. I know He will meet us where we are at and help to take us farther than we can imagine. He is at the helm, always.
This is my testimony: I love the Church and I believe in the Church, but I will not pretend to be blind for it. I will not be silent when its members espouse racist, anti-feminist, queerphobic, or just plain wrong teachings. I will extend grace as much as possible in correction.
I know that in the end, it will all work out. But if we want it to *work out,* WE MUST BE WILLING TO DO THE WORK. Let us honestly acknowledge our mistakes and work to change them. I am so thankful for a faith that evolves as the world evolves, just bc it *can* evolve.
That's the beauty of continuing revelation. It continues. It evolves and it changes. I pray that we can be patient as revelation comes and that we can seek out our own confirmations of doctrine. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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