I’m sorry. I’m done. It’s painful as fuck to sign on to Twitter and have the author of the most important series of my childhood which still feels like an imagined home for me constantly demonize delegitimize me, and my siblings. I’m tired. JK you are not the victim. (THREAD)
We are literally one of the most vulnerable populations on the planet. Our rates of violence and murder are far above the norm. This is especially true for trans women of color, and especially especially for Black trans women.
Transphobic violence is mostly based on the idea that our identities are a costume. By trying to deconstruct trans identity, and intimate that we are not who we say we are, you are promoting and exacerbating the conditions which lead to the murder of trans people.
The fact that you use your gigantic platform to continually demean, belittle, deconstruct, delegitimize and perpetuate well debunked propaganda about us is deplorable and disgusting.
Your obsession with us and preoccupation with spreading transphobia under the guise of protecting women is ignoring the fact that trans women pose no threat to women. And by even making the argument you are implying that we are.
Your problem is with cis men. I’m sorry you suffered the trauma that you did. But trauma doesn’t excuse the ways in which you are exacerbating violence and utilizing your platform to retraumatize a group of people who need to fight for our existence every single day.
Trans people are not the enemies of women. Stop painting us this way. It’s not even worth getting into your specific points because I’m not going to meet you on the field of debating my validity as a human being. So if you’re cis and reading this... google.
Trans people are not the enemy of feminism. Misogyny and sexism are. Rape culture is. I am statistically more likely to be the victim of such things than my cis sisters. And my Black trans sisters are even more likely than me.
There are three Black trans women who have been murdered by cis men in the last week. Real feminists would look at the violence against trans women as another tragic result of the ways in which misogyny teaches men to hate femininity.
Including trans women in conversations about womanhood doesn’t take anything from you. There is space for cisgender experiences of womanhood and transgender experiences of womanhood. But this intimation that we put you at risk is inane, not backed up by facts, and it’s violent.
Also. Trans men exist.
And so do non binary people.
And by the way, learning from @Shakeenz, any transphobia or JK apologists on this thread are only getting a response of #cisassist. Cause I am too damn tired to argue with people.
Well, this blew up far more than I was expecting. Please support Black trans lives by donating to Kristian Rouse; a Black trans male teen who was brutally beaten. This GoFundMe is to cover his medical costs. https://gf.me/u/x3qcg7 
You can follow @DanaALevinson.
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