Hi, @RepThomasMassie,

It's time for Constitutional Law 101.

"Congress shall have power to . . . provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States."

Saving tens of thousands of lives = providing for the general welfare.

You're welcome. https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1279579565027921920
And this ⤵️ https://twitter.com/boise3981/status/1279859279235739648
In case there was any doubt that states have the power to issue such regulations, here's an example ⤵️


(You all get A's in Constitutional Law class today)
And if you need Supreme Court precedent for an expansive reading of the "general welfare clause" in times of a health emergency, here you go: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/197/11/

Another A+ https://twitter.com/JudeLawOffice/status/1279858349845200896
The issue in Jacobson v. Massachusetts was whether a mandatory vaccination violated the 14th Amendment right to liberty.

Nope. My right to life outweighs your right not to wear a mask.

This isn't hard.

I have the smartest followers.

You'll all do great on the critical thinking portion of the Twitter Law Exam. https://twitter.com/GreenerSkiing/status/1279873289679040512

I did not know this.
You see, @RepThomasMassie, the government really does have the power to issue regulations. This means sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do for the safety of yourself and others.

It's tough. I know. https://twitter.com/David_S__/status/1279988869056745472
You can follow @Teri_Kanefield.
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