Why does JK Rowling need to keep reminding the world that she doesn't see transgender people's genders as valid? I hate to say this but trans folks who take hormones, have surgeries etc, KNOW their biology isnt similar to the cis folks who share their gender. We know. We're aware
And it's honestly so annoying for people to pretend that taking a stance against transgender folks is edgy and is a stance that's actively silenced. I hate how people forget that while you debate about if trans folks get to participate in public society, time continues for us.
I understand that this conversation is new for most of you, but I've been having it for over a decade. Imagine having people debate about which bathroom you can use for most of your life. Just think about that. think about how few things you'd be able to do outside of your home.
I dunno, I'm just really annoyed by the same old arguments by the same ole people who swear they actually support transgender folks. YOU DON'T and that's totally fine. Stop arguing for our lives to be harder, while saying you support us. YOU DON'T, claim it, hold onto it.
I sometimes wish people understood that trans realities will exist and continue to thrive regardless of how someone feels about them. There's no magical collection of words that will take my gender away.
JK Rowling is more powerful, famous and well known than probably all of the trans folks you've ever met, combined. Yet, she wants to frame herself as a person being bullied into feeling a certain way.
I promise you, more people would respect your position if you stopped trying to also say you supported transgender people. Just be honest. The dishonesty is what's maddening. It's fine to just not think trans folks' genders are valid. just strongly stand there.
One of the most annoying things about being openly transgender, at my age, is that I have to constantly remind cis people that I live happily in my gender. If I wern't a blogger, I'd never talk about it, but because I am, I talk about it a lot.
And some people confuse that with strife/frustration I have with my own gender. No, that was settled years ago. Most trans people who transition don't want to be known/seen/heard.
Most trans people transition to disappear so they're not gonna come and tell you how content they are. I know SO MANY happy trans women because of my work. Women who have fully integrated into society to a point of indifference.
What I'm gonna need cis folks to understand is their rhetoric only reinforces the desire for transgender people to disappear into society, not stop their transitions or limit their genders.
Trans women will continue to not differentiate themselves from cis women when you make it clear that being openly known as transgender means you're not gonna be able to engage in public life. That was the truth decades ago, and this rhetoric will only make that viable again.
We're already doing it, but people were moving towards being open and out as trans. I know a trans woman who was an international fashion model for years and she recently came out as trans after already having a full career as a model.
There are more trans women like that than you think and if the point of your rhetoric is to get those women to separate themselves from you, you're only giving them more reason not to, if only for survival- which is what stealth tends to be about.
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