Showing up to peacefully protest while the otherside is hell bent on killing you with guns vehicles police and explosives seems to be not working here.
I think folks on the side of resistance don’t get that racist hate isn’t about folks not knowing. That’s why yall think Marching in the streets is more meaningful than voting to take power away from the leaders of this shit its mind boggling.
Like, why are y’all suggesting that folks fucking protest UNARMED in the middle of a fucking pandemic? Yall must believe everyday was sunshine and daisies for Dr. King who EVENTUALLY lost his life. You think these ppl give a fuck that yall dancing in the street?!
What’s the point of protest if literally the folks in power are refusing to budge? Because it’s DEMOCRATS in these cities that are the ones leading in the fight against police corruption while the fuckin GOP WHO IS IN POWER is stoking A RACE WAR.
Like im sorry but stop RTing stories of protesters getting murdered in these streets if you still on my TL talkin about some Biden Rape alligation shit that was DEBUNKED several times and how ur planning not to vote so that Trump secures a second term.
And to my resisters who are seeing these folks with privilege proudly proclaim how they will not vote in Nov and will GLADLY let Trump and the GOP continue to hold power. My suggestion? Go the fuck home. These people aren’t worth your life.
The fact of the matter is that Americans across all racial lines are not interested in real change. They are interested in the aesthetic of change. The photo-ops of change. Not the actual WORK. Its all a trend even for Black ppl under 40 because they refuse to vote.
Voting is literally thee MOST AFFECTIVE AVENUE of direct fucking change you can fucking participate in. That’s why I dont fuckin boo, I don’t scream, I will march but I ALWAYS VOTE. Idgaf how minor it may be im punching them numbers on that fucking card.
My vote in Illinois for Governor resulted directly in the legalization of recreational use Cannabis in my state. We secured a heafty ass budget from the taxes of legal weed and we are able to sustain this pandemic as a state because WE voted for a common sense Democrat!
So to all those on my TL bragging about how u just “don’t feel comfortable voting for Biden because you too stupid to vet false information your being fed by Russian operatives” let me just say this, these Republicans don’t give a flying fuck about purity tests.
Yall think voting for mfkas is about character and not a long line of power. Tuh LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO meanwhile the GOP is fully EQUIPPED to vote for a serial rapist who raped a 13 year old child solely so he can pack the courts for a generation.
Everybody outside of Trumps base needs to be thinking about the long term shit. Stop suggesting ppl die for your entertainment via hourly news updates of protests if you planning to sitcho ass at home in Nov. Real rap.
Im voting for fuckin Democrats in Nov because I understand that there is no mutherfucking morality in Government. Im trying to stop folks from dying idgaf about shit else im voting fuckin Blue. Fuck purity tests.
We legitimately cannot even leave this country because places have CLOSED their fucking BORDERS TO US since we cannot get a handle on this pandemic but y’all proudly proclaiming you aint VOTING? You should be slandered on social media fr.
Fuck the “lets not shame non voters” no how about lets do exactly that because they’re getting innocent fucking people murdered with their ill informed bullshit.
I vote based on resumes. Idgaf about shit else. Period all the rest of that shit is a distraction.
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