Well, Kanye gets MY vote.
Oh... dear lord...

Obviously I’m not voting for Kanye, for multiple reasons. 1: he’s an idiot. 2: he’s a narcissist. 3: he’s an idiot. 4: I’m Irish. I can’t actually vote in an American election.
In fact- no, my reaction was unnecessarily harsh, especially if English isn’t your first language. Jokes can get lost in translation VERY easily- so I apologize to all those who thought I was being serious.

(I’m not gonna delete the tweet cuz, y’know, it’s still funny, but...)
I’m 100 percent behind Biden, for those of you who may be curious. Is he perfect? God no, and he wouldn’t have been my 1st, 2nd or even 3rd pick. But as a politician, he’s bound by the rules we need leaders to be bound by.
I would also like to announce that I am running for President of the United States.
You can follow @DerekLandy.
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