Thread that proves Horkeu Kamui and Nomad are pretty fucking gay for each other :
Nomad is happy that Kamui treats him like a human and openly gushes about it to people. Kamui, on the other hand, treats Nomad intimately even in front of MC, which provokes a rather flustered response from Nomad.
Kamui and MC are ambushed by a Ninja under the guise of Nomad in his Character Quest.

Kamui however, attacked this disguise without hesitation. This is because of how intimately he knows Nomad and his personality. This has a lot of implications on how deep they know each other.
Nomad taught Kamui how to appreciate food. But alongside that, taught Kamui how to cut apples into shapes. Despite (now) being a therian. Nomad taught him a lot about humanity.

The apple shapes can be seen as a key to Kamui's personality. Meaning Nomad made a big impact on him.
Nomad always blushes when talking about Kamui. That's gay. They're antithetic to each other. Nomad has a fiery heart filled with vengeance whilst Kamui's heart is frozen and stagnated. Fire melts Ice and Ice calms Fire.

He's also not Macan. Thank you for listening.
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