Why having a big heart can be dangerous, if you let it. A thread.
Having a big heart could burden you if you’re so open to helping everyone when it could burn you. It’s okay to say no if it doesn’t bring positive light to you. It’s okay to say no, in general.
You don’t need to be at the need of everyone you love, sometimes our loved ones aren’t the best influences and it’s not up for you to save them. You can’t save anyone, you just love them hoping your positive influence reaches them.
Don’t ever think it’s wrong to be selfish. It’s okay to choose yourself in any situation, especially when it may hurt you. Love is something truly special when it’s real.
Some may take advantage of your love. Some may see how far your love will go. Some love you, but not as much as you love them. Some are damaged and may damaged you.
Don’t over give your heart. Don’t spread yourself out thin, to the point you have no more to give. Don’t keep trying to save someone who can’t be. Don’t neglect yourself by always being at the need of everyone.
Say no, if they love you, they will understand, they should know how important you are. They should know you need to love yourself too, they won’t be selfish, they won’t want to lose your love. It’s special, it’s sacred, I hope you understand that too—protect it.
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