Mission to Restart a few things:

1. Mindset Perspective
2. Sleeping Pattern
3. Reading Source
4. Movie and Drama
5. Hobbies and Interest
6. Engagement with People

P/s: May Allah ease, Pray for me. 😇
First thing that I need to do is to get enough and quality sleep. Try my best to reduce time on Twitter and Netflix. Find 5 Daily Routines to make It good habits. It easier said than done, but It's time for me to focus on what I want to be not just following the crowd. It's time.
My Mentor said "If you wanna get quality sleep and wake up with a happy face, switch off your mobile data before going to sleep. When you just wake up, Avoid looking at your phone cause one bad vibe in the morning will ruin your mood for the whole day" I still working on It.
It’s time for me to make myself as my priority. It's not selfish, It's Necessary.
My Buddy said she had realized "After a while of never-ending problems is that as much as people around you matter, You matter too and you come first. If they come to you for help, help them as you may but their problems shouldn’t bother you as much as it bothered em"
and somehow It made me realized that I've wasted too much attention and emotion on people around me until I have nothing left for myself. I've wasted so much time and money on things called distraction until I lost focus for myself. I should get back on track.
As for now, I love reading the thread from @dairijoker somehow It works on me. It kept me feels motivated and inspire me to be better than I was before. Like what I've said "Life will always have ways to beat you down" so find ways to keep yourself motivated.
My favorite Philosophy from Journalist Edmund Lee "Surround yourself with the Dreamers and the Doers, the Believers and the Thinkers but most of all keep surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, Even when you can't see It in yourself" I love this. 🤓
#TIL from Jack Ma "When you in 25 to 30 y/o make enough mistakes and enjoy It. Mistakes are a wonderful revenue for you so don't be scared of failure and don't give up when ideas got rejected."

P/s: Jack Ma mentioned #ForrestGump so I should find this classic movie. 🤔
I've only got 3 years more to make those mistakes before I reach 30. That's mean 3 years for me to try an error and not afraid of failure, 3 years for me to keep collecting idea and not afraid If my idea will be rejected, 3 years for the Rise and Fall and Rise again. Life Cycle.
My Buddy said "You have to pound and break the ground in order for you to walk the path so whatever decision you take at least you go thru with It with full speed so there’d be no regrets left" life is about taking risk and If you afraid of It you will stuck at the same cycle.
Back then I'm afraid of taking risks and also afraid of making decisions for my own and I will always say "What's If.." followed by negative thoughts. End up I just play safe and stuck at the same cycle again and again until I've got so sick of It and It makes me weak.
Lesson learned so I've started my mission with changing my "mindset and perspective" towards risk and failure. I've told myself "It's okay Ash cause you still have time to make mistakes" so after that I'm starting taking risk and making decisions for my own, life getting better.
Let me ask you something "The Dream that you hold in your mind how dare you are to make It real" If you say "Until I made It" then you are one step closer. Remember that nothing impossible. If you believe in yourself, It can be real.
Mission UPDATE:

1. I'm getting more Positive now
2. I've made It - Sleep before 2AM
3. Mission 5 pages/Day - In progress
4. I've made It - Less time on Netflix.
5. I'm too busy to think about It.
6. I'm getting more Friends.

P/s: Counting my blessings. 😇
Small progress is still a progress. As time goes by I'm learning to be a better version of myself. As for now I'm proud of myself cause I can listen to what My Mentor have said "Switch off your mobile data before you go to sleep" quality sleep and now It's like a habit.
I've made It reducing my time on Netflix but still trying my best to reduce my time on Twitter. Also still working on finding 5 Daily Habits to make as routines. Again easy said and planning then done. 😂
Other things that I'm proud of myself now cause finally, I've Made It. I can make myself a priority like put myself first when making any decisions or what I need and want to do in life. Know that It's hard for me back then cause I always put everyone else in front as priority.
I'm not saying that I don't need other people opinion cause there's a few people that I always looking up too when I need and advice and idea. I love to hear other people opinion but when It comes to making decision I don't have to follow anyone order I can made It for myself.
If you knew me back then, I'm not who I am today. You will know It's not easy for me to make a decision or take action for myself because I always listen and thinking about other people's decisions and opinions for myself. I'm so happy now It's like I'm free from a cage.
I'll let people decide and control my life cause I'm afraid of failure, I'm afraid "What If. It's not gonna work on me" so I just keep following what I've been told until I realized there's no one will take the blame and responsibility for what they have said and done to You.
At The End. You will only have you and yourself. I've told Chakinah "My life is like Fish, I just follow the flow" than she replied, "Only dead fish will follow the flow" she made me realized. It's your life, You have to take full responsibility of It.
It's your life not their and they don't even care about It and If you think there is someone or something that you have to blame for It's yourself not anyone else cause You are the one who let them take control of your life at the first place.
Jack Ma thought to me "When you in 25 to 30 years old make enough mistakes and enjoy It. Mistakes are a wonderful revenue for you so don't be scared of failure and don't give up when ideas got rejected" so here I'm today I quit doing what I've been told & follow my bliss. ✨
LIFE is about taking risks. If you failed you'll learn If you succeed you'll be at another level but still LIFE is a learning process that will never come to the end. Every day you'll learn something new and valuable so don't waste It, learn It well.
Never ever give up on your amazeballs Dream! If you still can't find It keep looking and don't settle for less. Dream Big and dare to make It real, Don't be afraid of failure cause It will lead you to bigger success. Keep your faith. 🙌
You can follow @AshAvril.
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