Like this for instance: This is a demand for *expertise,* for higher standards as opposed to thinking you can report well on racial injustice without any understanding of how it works. This so-called new journalism is actually just...journalism.
It’s insulting to @WesleyLowery and all of us to pretend that any of us are arguing to discard “real inquiry” and reporting for “moral clarity.” We’re arguing for both, most obviously. I wonder is the Post’s motto, “Democracy dies in darkness” a neutral position or a moral one?
Again, I challenge anyone to give a single example of any JOC who has argued against or even suggested that we abandon or restrict the compilation of evidence, verification and corraboration in our reporting.
That’s ludicrous and quite rich from a mainstream newsrooms that continued for months and months to insist— despite voluminous evidence, including interviews with Trump supporters themselves —that Trump’s supporters were motivated by “economic anxiety” and not racism...
That to this day, put forth asinine euphemisms like racially tinged and racially insensitive, because they are too uncomfortable to use the word racist when describing the president. That’s not objectivity. In fact, it’s the opposite of objectivity.
Objectively, we can look at the coverage of newspapers like the NYT, Washington Post, LAT, Philly Inquirer, Chicago Tribube, etc, etc, etc, which serve minority-white cities and yet cover mostly white people, and see how subjective the coverage is on a daily basis.
That journalists of color are demanding newsrooms that actually reflect our nation, both in whose reporting and how we cover it, that call for more rigor and integrity and honesty, not less, are seen as calling for the abandonment is, I’m sorry — a dog whistle.
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