June egbert is far more than "just a chance request" from a toblerone wish, existed **before** that was ever a thing, and will continue to exist regardless of your transmisogynistic opinion. The revisionist rhetoric that it only "popped up" because hussie said so is bunk.
It's been bothering me for awhile now that people keep attributing June as a random xD thing hussie came up with and not a character breakthrough of homestuck's text and extracanonical material based on trans women's experiences and input in our community. The wish was after.
The huge explosion of "june egbert *is* canon" after the toblerone was a mix of surprise & elation at the fact June was substantial and well-rooted enough in egbert's character arc to be acknowledged in large scale. That a trans woman can be the protagonist of this story.
The tale gets pretty truncated after that. Those far from the HS community assume its something hussie did, reddit attributes it entirely to the consequences of a treasure hunt, new fans snowball it into a mix of both, and the fact June is a contribution of trans fans goes under.
This should come as no surprise if you've been here for awhile, given the fandoms exceedingly shitty track record respecting trans women and fomenting mass harassment of them, how it tripled in size the moment June picked up steam. There's a clear correlation here. You know why.
Her existence and impact cannot be reduced to a trivial wish, the transphobic pushback she received didnt go unnoticed (did you know AO3 let her have a tag then assimilated it permanently to her deadname?) and she's Always Been Here. And will continue to be.
Regardless of your take in how new material implements her, the facts are; she's amassed countless pages of dedicated 80k word & beyond fanfic series, fanart as far as the eye can see, sides to meta analysis and trans expression we hadn't seen like before, and she kicks ass. Ciao
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