Last night I found a delivery man’s wallet. It had his Mexican consulate ID and was filled with nearly $300 cash. I insisted we return it but my friends’ suggested we pocket the money because “that’s just how the way the world works”. That notion made me sick to my stomach.
One homie even kicked the wallet to be funny. You DON’T do that- especially to money. After harassing me to give them some cash (even though I found it), I snapped and mentioned how they’re an NYU grad with a family Ferrari but they‘re still begging for an immigrant’s money.
Specifically I said “your dad drives a Ferrari and you’re out here begging me for a delivery man’s money.” Boy, did all hell break loose after I said that. Apparently I came at his dads neck and insulted his family name. Maybe I did and I DO regret this...But hey? SHLURP ME OFF🤗
Stop going out your way to be chaotic and make other lives harder, especially if you come from a position of vast (education + monetary) privilege. $300 may not seem like a lot to you but to a majority of world, let alone a delivery man that’s an immense amount of cash.
People die for that kind of money. More importantly, someone labored for that money. A non-hypothetical immigrant man whose entire livelihood dropped on the road worked his ass off for that money. No amount of “that’s just how the way the world works” justifies not returning it.
I’m not saying I’m tougher, smarter, or better than anyone. But sometimes you’re put in situations where the right thing to do is sooo obvious. I didn’t mean to roast my friend’s dad. But I was being berated by my own guys for wanting to return a deliveryman’s work earnings.
I guess the point of all this is: stand your moral highground. Especially when you know something is inherently right or wrong. And don’t allow yourself to be shamed for conscious decisions. It’s also important to understand when you yourself cross a line- which I guess I did.
Anyways, I found out where the delivery guy works and am going to return the wallet with the entirety of it’s contents untouched later today.
the deed is done and wallet returned!
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