So I asked what needs addressing on an inner level, within ourselves. I pulled this seven of pentacles, I'm using the Thoth deck so this card is called failure. This is about addressing some of the more darker things in our lives. The fears that we are acting from, the
limits we are feeling when it comes to our terms of security, fertility and constancy. It's about addressing these conflicts we feel within ourselves. There are underlying thoughts and beliefs that underlie all of our actions. The decisions we make, how we operate in the world.
Your actions are driven by these beliefs, your beliefs are your thoughts and also these are things you have been told since you were very young. This is what shapes the core of who you are. If you keep finding yourself in draining relationships that have a common theme in them,
look at what beliefs and thoughts are keeping you going back to that type of dynamic. Take a step back. Address some of these things. Do you find that people constantly disregard your boundaries? or are you finding yourself in situations where you feel like you weren't heard or
understood? The beliefs that are needing to be addressed are the ones that are deep rooted blinders. These are keeping you in these cycles. So here is how you can help yourself. You can do this in your head or write it down. What is your current area of least satisfaction?
when you have that answer, ask yourself, why is this the area of least satisfaction? After your answer use the W trick this is where you ask why's and what's appropriately. I will include an Example of a self coaching session with myself so you can see how I do it.
Let's say for example my area of least satisfaction is my routine.
-What about my routine is dissatisfying?
The fact that it doesn't have any structure.
-Why does it need structure?
Because I don't think I can get anything done if i don't have structure.
-What does structure look like?
being an adult, waking up, taking care of myself, working, relaxing.
-What about that sounds appealing?
*laughs* Nothing. Maybe coming across as an adult.
- What "adults" in my life have structure?
.... *pause to think* I guess none of them
I mean not to the image I paint in my head of structure.
-Is it possible my image of structure is unachievable? Am I being too rigid in my expectations for my day? Could this be what is actually limiting me from being productive?
Yes. Yes. and Yes.
- Can I find examples of when my day did not have "structure" and I was "successful" (needing to appear as an adult is a limiting belief stemming from fear around success/failure)?
Yes. Multiple. My birthday was one I just went with the flow, The other day I did 10 readings
and I was just going with the flow on that day too. I finished a painting I am really proud of and that day I had planned a routine but ended up doing that instead.
-Is it possible that when I'm flexible with my day and routine I have better days?
Yes. I would say that
- Does the belief "When my day has flexibility I am able to freely create my own outcome" feel better than "When my day doesn't have structure I feel like a failure."
That's me coaching myself. Now what I will do is when i find myself telling the story that I am a failure without structure is remind myself of the times when I'm flexible and feel accomplished and the word accomplished here doesn't just relate to work or productivity. This is
having a fulfilled day regardless of what it brings. There not being a standard for success. This dialogue won't heal or instantly fix things it's not Cup ramen. You will have to have dialogues with yourself like this over and over again. But that's okay. you're retraining your
thoughts. There isn't an exact science of how to do this i literally just did it to myself off the cuff and it took 30 minutes to really dig deep. And I found a second limiting belief which i did outside of the dialogue to spare time and space. So you will come across things you
didn't even know you thought. I didn't know I wanted to appear as an adult until i asked myself the question so allow for things to come up without judgment. this is a tricky process and if you need to talk to someoen while you're doing it make sure it is a close trusted friend
who you know is safe. But sharing is encouraged in safe spaces. Journal about things that come up. Take your time. It's not a race. it's not something you'll do overnight. It's something that never really stops. If you find yourself having a belief take time to question that
belief. Don't be afraid to dig into it. Allow it to help you through the fears so you can move into adaptability and conscientiousness. I hope this helps someone I know this is a little different! But it felt right to do for this message
and I feel great 😂
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