THREAD : All that is good and all that is bad in every movie of The Skywalker Saga, IN MY OPINION. Iā€™ll do Solo and Rogue One too. Feel free to say if you agree with or not, but respect the fact that itā€™s my opinion.
Star Wars : Episode I : The Phantom Menace
The good part : it indroduces the Jedi Order to us, and my favorite era, the Republic. I really liked the pod race, it was well made. We see new planets, like Naboo and Coruscant, it makes grow George Lucas universe. And how can we talk about TPM without talking about Darth Maul?
TPM brought us the first version of what will become one of the best character of Star Wars. Darth Maul was good in TPM, and Duel of The Fates was unexpected, but breathtaking. This duel is one of the favorite of the fans, thanks to this incredible choregraphy and this famous-
-Music. Anyway, the new characters are for me an excellent addition to Star Wars. Obi Wan is good, Qui-Gon too, and Maul...well itā€™s Maul, we all know what he will become.
Next, the bad part of TPM : even if Ć©pisode I has really good parts, there are moments in the movie I really disliked, like JarJar Binks. Even if Star Wars is made for kids, this is too much for me. The battle between the Gungans and the droids...well I disliked it-
-the moments with the Senate : even if I think itā€™s necessary to set up all the saga, I find it not well made, and a bit boring.
Star Wars : Episode II : Attack of the Clones
This might be one the most controversial Star Wars movie. Some hated it, some loved it (hi Edykin), but even if thereā€™s really bad moments, letā€™s talk about the good ones.
The good moments for me : the episode has a good start for me. The attempts on PadmĆ©ā€™s life, the relationship between Anakin and Obi Wan, the pursuit in Coruscant...then, in the seconde arc of the movie, Obi Wan goes after the Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. I found Kamino really great
It indroduces is the Clones, and a good fight between Fett and Kenobi. After this, we discover Geonosis, the Count Dooku and a nice Easter Egg to the Death Star. In parallel, Anakin is on Tatooine, looking for his mother. I liked this moment, thereā€™s a great moment when heā€™s on-
a bike, I find it beautiful. After that, we discover who Anakin is, and I really like the moment with his mother and the Tuskens.
Next, one of my favorite moment is in the arena. We get to see many Jedi, and the army in action. I loved the battle of Geonosis, and the end duel.
Next, the bad moments. I think we can all agree that Anakin and PadmĆ©ā€™s scenes were awkward, boring and Ā«Ā ruinedĀ Ā» the movie. Even if itā€™s necessary to the next movies, its really bad, the whole scene on Naboo was awkward and could have been way more better.
After that-
-idk whatā€™s really bad, because scene with Anakin and Padme are like the worst, and the rest is okay. Some fans didnā€™t like Hayden, didnā€™t like Anakin...but young Anakin was like that, and Hayden played it really well for me.
Star Wars : Episode III : Revenge of the Sith
If you guys know me well, you know itā€™s my favorite SW movie, I loved everything about it. (Itā€™s still my opinion)
The Anakin we have in episode III is really great for me, Hayden played him perfectly, thereā€™s nothing to say. Thereā€™s the introduction of Grievous, and of course -
-the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise!
This movie brought us the most iconic moments of the saga (hello there, Darth Plagueis), the battles and the duels were wonderful, and the end is incredible, with my favorite lightsaber duel (Anakin vs Obi wan, and the Rise of Darth Vader, one of my favorite moment of all SW
I wonā€™t talk too much about ROTS, because yā€™all know what I think about it. So next one !
Solo : a Star Wars story
This movie is also really controversial, and everyone talked about it, in different ways.
The good part : I love of we see the evolution of Han, from a boy in love to an good smuggler who doesnā€™t trust anyone.
His friendship with Chewie and Lando is well made too-
-and of course, Qiā€™ra is a great character. But what I loved was Maulā€™s cameo. Even if we see a little bit of him, itā€™s wonderful
But thereā€™s of course things I disliked about Solo-
The bad part : I really disliked Dryden Vos. I like Bettany, but this character was bad, and wasnā€™t a good vilain. Heā€™s not charismatic enough, i didnā€™t find him dangerous.
Plus, Lando. I love Glover, but this Lando was...weird. His relation ship with his robot was really weird-
-but the character was okay. Thatā€™s it for Solo, I donā€™t remember the movie enough, I may have forgot some things about it
Star Wars : Episode IV : A New Hope
Letā€™s be honest, what is bad about this movie ? It started the greatest saga of the cinema, thereā€™s nothing I can say that you donā€™t know. So Iā€™ll pass to the next movie, but this will be quite the same.
Star Wars : Episode V : Empire Strikes Back
What can I say about ESB ? The perfect sequel, one of the most iconic movie in the history, the movie that brought us the most famous plot in cinema, Luke and Vaderā€™s relation.
To be honest, thereā€™s nothing I disliked in ESB, itā€™s my secon md favorite, so Iā€™ll pass to the next
Star Wars : Episode VI : Return of the Jedi
ROTJ is one of the greatest SW movie
I liked Lukeā€™s evolution, he is now a complete Jedi. The first act is wonderful for me, in Jabbaā€™s palace. We get to see the Rancor, the Sarlacc, and Luke in action, I loved it. After that, I loved of course Luke against Vader-
-the battle near the Death Star II, and Palpatine. Of course, Vaderā€™s redemption was incredible for me, when Luke honors him is perfect, and what can I say about the ending ? Just perfection, and I liked the cameo of Hayden, I admit it. But thereā€™s still things I disliked about-
ROTJ. i really disliked all the Endor stuff. Even if itā€™s a great planet, the fact that the Ewoks took out an army of Stormtroopers was ridiculous, and things could have been different. Thatā€™s the only thing I disliked, but itā€™s a big part of the movie so...
Star Wars : Episode VII : The Force Awakens
This movie is the first SW movie I saw on big screen, and it brought back emotions of SW. I really liked the new characters, I loved the idea of Finn being a stormtrooper and then he walks away, it was original and great. I love Kylo Ren, Adam Driverā€™s performance was incredible-
I loved the return of Han and Chewie : Ā«Ā Weā€™re homeĀ Ā», we were all screaming in the theater when first saw Luke, Leia, Han, the falcon and Anakinā€™s lightsaber. There was emotions, this movie brought us back Star Wars, it was wonderful. Rey is great too, I liked the girl alone-
-waiting in the desert for her family. The movie is also beautiful, the duel !
The bad part : even if I liked the majority of this movie, I feel like itā€™s quite similar to ANH. The Resistance needs to destroy the super weapon, or theyā€™ll be gone, the plot is pratically the same.
Star Wars : Episode 8 : The Last Jedi
This movie is strange for me. I loved it, but there are things I really disliked.
First, the movie is beautiful, and no one can say it isnā€™t. Crait, the island, the sacrifice of Holdo, this movie IS BEAUTIFUL, the most beautiful SW, and itā€™s not even close. The story of Rey and-
-Ben is evolving, I love these two characters more and more. Kylo has become my fav of the sequels after TLJ, the way he kills Snoke his really great, and the way he grows up, by destroying his helmet, Ben is really evolving, thatā€™s really great
( I need to eat, coming backASAP)
Next, Luke. I liked him in TLJ, and his last action to allow the Resistance to escape was wonderful. This movie was good, beautiful and I feel like Rian Johnson really understands Star Wars and the Force.
But there are part of this movie I really disliked.
First, Rose. This character isnā€™t good for me, and I have the feeling they developed her instead of Finn. Sheā€™s literally giving advices about war to Finn, a former stormtrooper, and idk she seems so confident, I donā€™t like her.
Next, the whole plot of Canto Bight.
We didnā€™t need this, I really disliked this moment. To free the slaves, the creatures, hire a weird man...that was too much for me.
Next, I feel like the gave up on Finn. This character has an excellent potential, but he was not good on TLJ, they clearly didnā€™t develop him
Last movie : Star Wars : Episode IX : The Rise of Skywalker
I really loved Rey and Ben in this movie, again. Their arc comes to and end and they are good. I loved when we see Leiaā€™s training, and the dark part of Rey, itā€™s a good addition. My fav moment is when we hear all the Jedi, I was really happy. The movie is beautiful too
And I like Ben even more. The moment with the big fleet is incredible, and the end is too. Like it or not, Rey is a Skywalker, the end is beautiful
But I donā€™t like the concept of force healing : itā€™s too disconnected from the prequels for me. Itā€™s literally why Anakin became Darth Vader, and itā€™s in a book ? I donā€™t like that. But what I donā€™t like the most is Palpatine. I feel like they brought him back because-
-they thought they had no other choice, and it will save the sequels. But itā€™s false, itā€™s a good vilain of course but they should have done something else for me
Anyway thatā€™s it. Iā€™m sure I forgot some things, feel free to RT, and interact with others. Again, this is my opinion
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