Oh no. I forgot that I took some THC tincture when I went to lay down before dinner. Had a glass of wine with dinner, now everything is moving slow... (I'm in Canada marijuana is legal here)
So, I just learned the pickles are in the downstairs fridge, because I'm usually downstairs when the high hits, but noooo this time I'm on the couch. Upstairs. Very far away from the pickles.
The worst part is, I know we have an enitre freshly purchased jar, because I bought it yesterday, when I also had tincture to help with a headache. I didn't need them yesterday though, did I past luna? No, i need them now :(
Update: I was just invited into the Ferret room, which is down the hall, and I honestly don't know if I could make it. Everything is slow and clicky when I'm high.
Ok, so have you ever had that feeling when you kinda just need to blow your nose? I've got like that top of the nasal passage, kinda feel like you need to swallow to be able to breathe again moments, but it lasts the entire time I'm high.
Tini just started barking at the air. My heart is racing in my chest right now. Feels like I'm gonna have a heart attack omg. I mean, not really, but my heart is beating faster than a jackrabbit.
Does anybody else get that bubbling feeling at the bottom of their esophagus when their high? Like, it feels like I just ate a firecracker and it's lighting up a stomach acid party. The stomach acid would look like those old potato chip commercials
Omg Maxen brought me the pickles. So good! #notsponsored lol
Maxen just called me cute. I think he was teasing me because I'm eating a pickle while high and I've got the giggles, but I nodded anyways.
How do my eyes get so dry?? I swear I drink water and not just būbly. Or is it that eyes always feel like this when you're high?
I always feel like I'm going to choke on something while I'm high. Like I'm just going to forget how to swallow, I'm gonna breathe in whatever I'm eating and just fall over.
I told Maxen that I was tweeting while high and he was immediately concerned, then I can only assume amusedly confused by his face while he scrolled through my feed.
I received a head shake, so I will continue to assume he is reading. *hides in the bushes 80's action hero style*
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