I'm an antisocialist-through-experience, Americanophile Venezuelan who has lived the entire progressive narrative of bussiness seizures for the rich to pay their "fair share," price controls against the "greed," and massive welfare state "for the poor,"
which only left 80% shortages (Consecomercio), 94% poverty (Encovi) and +5 million exodus for a continental refugee crisis (UNHCR)… meanwhile spoiled kids indoctrinated by college Marxists keep defending communism from their iPhones in the land of the free (AMERICA)…
That's why I'm here today hoping for somebody to read this knowing that MANY DO LOVE AMERICA as the BEACON OF LIBERTY IT IS

#Happy4thofJuly #4July #4July2020 #IndependenceDay #StarsandStripes #StarSpangledBanner #MountRushmore 🇺🇸❤️💙
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