i -with every fibre of my being- hate how women feel this pressure to provide the perfect vagina
men don't even bathe🙂 https://twitter.com/Pretendingsuh/status/1279075282708844544
just leave your damn yonis alone man :(
not the men in my comments saying women do it for themselves 😭😭😭
listen, if you understand conditioning and you understand how deeply rooted patriarchy is, you'll understand that no woman in her right mind truly believes lemons are "FoR hEr OwN gOoD."
vaginas are self-cleaning; self-regulating organs. they don't require steaming. they don't require lightening. they don't need to be smooth as a baby's bum. they don't need to smell rosy. once you want that for her, question your true motivations.
at the end of the day, do what pleases you. don't let haiborands from twitter tell you otherwise. (but watch out for that yeasty) xx
everyday everyday it's "let's dismantle the patriarchy" bc you think patriarchy only looks like marriage and job opportunities. now you're attacking me for showing you that it's also heavy in these grooming practices for women? lol ok.
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