This is a long thread but follow me for a minute👀 This is George magazine, February 1997 edition. It’s titled Survival Guide to the Future. George Magazine was founded by JFK Jr in Sept. 1995. #HelloGeorge
1. Good news: live forever! Love your job! #Hydroxychloroquine
2. Mt Rushmore with full moon. @realDonaldTrump was at Mt Rushmore on July 3, 2020. There is a full moon on July 4, 2020. #HappyFourthOfJuly
3. Exclusive: The inside story of Jimmy Carter’s final days in office #jimmycarter
4. The end of Social Security: what’s broken & how to fix it #maga
6. #BillGates talks to John Kennedy about Murdoch, Money, and World Domination
7. Can Politically Incorrect’s Bill Maher make it in the big time? #Hollyweird
8. Indictment Day: Will Hillary get busted? #clintonbodycount
9. Carl Sagan’s Farewell Address, 1997. Mentions the following terms: extraterrestrial life, militarism, ethics of abortion. #adrenochrome
That last part is just a fun part of my theory that is obviously highly unlikely
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