I won’t wear a mask

Because the media lied about the effectiveness of HCQ to make Trump look bad

Because the WHO lied about the origin to protect China and stick it to Taiwan

Because Dr. Fauci has a stake in Moderna, who makes 4K per person treated with Remdisver

Because Neil Ferguson lied about the virus model knowing how badly he hyped the 05 Bird Flu

Because they called us racist for shutting down flights from China

Because my governor, Tom Wolf, led a march of thousands from BLM while telling me I can’t go to church or work

Because at worst the virus is 50% more deadly than the flu

Because Sweden didn’t lockdown their economy and had the same curve as those that did

Because De Blasio targeted religious groups, while praising protestors

Because the WHO was saying in March that masks don’t work /3
Because Governor Whitmer said that taping off the seed aisle at Walmart would stop the virus

Because the Italian Government ran a “hug a Chinese” campaign in Lombardia

Because the media condemned the Trump Tulsa rally, while saying the protests were okay & for a good cause
Because the media is ignoring plummeting deaths while highlighting the increased testing capacity

Because the goal posts shifted from saving the ICU capacity to waiting for a vaccine

Because the Navy Ship in NYC never got used

Because our health care system didn’t come CLOSE to reaching capacity

Because they were turning off utilities at noncompliant gyms while letting CHAZ stay up for a month

Because PA health secretary Levine removed her mother from a nursing home while ordering the sick in

Because congress members sold off their portfolio after a virus briefing

Because Bush did 9/11 (just wanna make sure y’all are still reading)

Because they put people on ventilators that didn’t need one

Because NYC’s 3rd world healthcare system skewed the national numbers

Because the media only showed our aggregate death numbers compared to the world, instead of per capita

Because hospitals profited from adding COVID to death certificates that had another main cause

Because the media lied about the Democrat donor who murdered her husband with fish tank cleaner and blamed Trump

Because Governor Newsom shutdown businesses while letting his winery stay open

Because CA literally made singing in church illegal

Because Whitmer threatened her citizens with extended lockdowns for peacefully protesting

Because lockdown protestors (who didn’t damage property) were called grandma murdering terrorists, while Floyd protestors (who DID burn and loot) were endorsed by the media

Because credible doctors and researchers who presented data that lockdowns were ineffective, and actually caused more economic death, were ignored by the media

Because the Pittsburgh Doctor on the verge of a cure was mysteriously found “suicided” shortl thereafter

Because all digital platforms scrubbed the video made by Judy Mikovits, who worked under Fauci and was a whistleblower

Because the WHO director previously ran a communist regime in Ethiopia and was financed by China

Because the virus was clinically documented in Europe in December. But didn’t spread until March?

Because Science Daily publishes back in 2015 that cloth masks are useless and dangerous

Because the same people screaming about masks now chastised you for buying masks in February for hoarding PPE from nurses

I’m sure there’s many more.

TL;DR: The people telling you to wear a mask are acting in bad faith. Do you believe they have your best health in mind?

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