Let's talk about recognising achievements; a thread.

I often ask people what their little victories have been today, and sometimes people respond "I don't have one, I did nothing today"

Hello, I'm here to tell you why you're wrong. (1/5)
A victory sometimes looks like nailing a job interview, passing a test, finishing a project, getting a promotion, getting positive feedback about something, or having an amazing day doing [insert thing here] (2/5)
A victory also looks like making it through the day.

It looks like getting of bed when your brain ghosts are fighting against you & facing the day feels impossible.

A victory looks like picking up the phone or sending a text. Eating breakfast or getting out of the door (3/5)

Ah man those days SUCK. I'm proud of you for acknowledging it and for not perpetuating toxic positivity by pretending the bad stuff doesn't exist, cause it does. Your feelings are VALID and I'm sorry you've had suck a sucky day. (4/5)
Within your acceptance and acknowledgement of bad days, don't forget to acknowledge your victory too; look at you, being here. You showed up. You made it through.

That's a victory.
That's an achievement.
And I'm proud of you. (5/5)
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