One of the most disgusting behaviours on the Internet is the compulsive need so many small, cynical people have to attack and tear down anything that brings other people joy
Like, let’s be fucking real: most people who have Serious Concerns about how a big piece of pop culture Is Problematic are not making their critiques in good faith. They need to demonize the popular thing as evil propaganda so that they can feel important. That’s all.
Being the edgy rebel is cool. Depicting yourself as more enlightened than the sheep and the proles is psychologically very satisfying. And there’s a whole corpus of theory and mummery you can draw on to establish your clout.
The simple truth is that even if the popular work you’re ‘exposing’ IS saying Shit You Don’t Like, audiences aren’t as dumb as you wish they were. People can pick and choose what they take out of art. If people find something meaningful, listen to WHY instead of writing them off.
And I gauran-fucking-tee you that most of the people who are obnoxious fans of the cringey ‘normie’ crap you’re trying to ‘expose’ are better people than you are. And they’ve almost certainly done more to make the world a better place than you ever will.
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