Dear World, this is why DU's wet dream of online OBE is our nightmare. (1/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india
Less than half of semester's teaching happened. More than half the students couldn't access online classes. (2/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india
Outstation students came home for a week's vacation and have been stuck. We don't have books here and DU wants to call it "Open Book Exam". (3/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india
How do they expect Specially Abled Students to write exams? They have neither the access to study material nor availability of writers. (4/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india
Giving Special Ability students 5 hours instead of 3 means shit if they have nobody to write the paper for them. (5/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
Law Students hadn't received their case materials when lockdown happened. (6/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
Law exams without case details. Need I say more? (7/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
DU has students from everywhere in the country. But the country doesn't have internet everywhere. (8/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
People with subject expertise are being asked to write students' papers for money. Amazing fairness being ensured! (9/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
DU told the court 'minimal' internet will be required. The portal refuses to budge on anything less than 4G. (10/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
DU says OBE is optional. Students can sit for pen-paper exam later. Lies, misdirection and obfuscation! (11/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
When they resume admissions based on OBE results, the students who are left will have to wait another year. So the choice:sitting for half baked system or wasting an year. (12/thread)
#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
By assuming students can access resources from internet, as DU argued in court, the OBE discriminates against poor students. (13/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
In addition to all of this, did we tell you we are in the middle of a deadly pandemic? Because DU clearly seems to have forgotten that. (14/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
DU says students can access CSCs if they don't have internet. Pandemic says don't step out, especially if you are in a containment zone. Who should we listen to? (15/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
FYI, CSCs are Common Service Centres set up by Government of India where internet is SUPPOSEDLY available. Some CSCs refused to allow students take their mocks today. (16/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
Parents have lost jobs. Family members are sick. Some students are also infected or at risk. But a Central University's priority amidst all this is to conduct exams. (17/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
Let's not talk of preparedness. The OBE portal crashed several times today. People were unable to download question papers. Some people couldn't upload answers. (18/thread)

#DUAgainstOnlineExams #ScrapOBE #DuagainstOBE @nidhiindiatv @anubha1812 @ugc_india @DrRPNishank
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