They are banning people from singing even WITH masks on, that's what my church in GA has for "guidelines".
Why can't we sing if masks work?
Socially distant and masked, AFTER being admitted only after a safe temp reading.
Yet, still not safe to sing?
NO. Not safe to be Christian.
The church (which I quit) is a very nice church that does a lot of good physical work for the community. They feed the poor & hungry. My daughter worked with them for 3 years as a volunteer in the food pantry (more clients after the shutdown, by the way). I wish them all the best
I'd deleted an earlier thread about this issue because it got off track. It is not my wish to attract negative energy toward this church. They are scared, mostly elderly. They received guidelines from their denomination, and they believe "the news". That's what I want to focus on
We can't fix this fast enough on our own. We need arrests in the MSM. People who are usually a helpful asset to our community (example: serving in food pantry) are now unwittingly helping the coup take down our nation. We can clear our MSM through 18 U.S. Code § 1038- when they
gave false/misleading health info that may have led to injury or death (which I think can easily be proven). They lied about life saving treatments for CV and people died. Investigate for criminal court, not just civil. We need them LOCKED UP.
Because, apparently, if enough official sources tell them, citizens will believe that we've no choice but to comply with guidelines to keep people safe. Even if NO ONE in the church has the virus. Even if all are forced to get temp taken, sit far apart & mask- banned from singing
They also feel it's completely reasonable to record attendance in the case of Contact Tracing. They seem to have no idea why someone may have an issue with the government having this data and using it to quarantine healthy people against their will.
The coup has a monopoly on news and tech and that's only gotten worse. Their allies also include corp, edu, and entertainment. So, citizens see corp supporting terrorists, openly, proudly, as if it's the "right and good" thing to do, well, these citizens who feed the poor do too
Who do they believe?
or people like me, who used to sing in their choir?
Well, since choir is canceled, and has been since before Easter, we know who they believe.
They believe "everyone"
over us.
We have to break the stronghold that "everyone" has over the minds of the citizens.
It LOOKS like "everyone" when a successful monopoly has been achieved in every influential area of American culture, information, and market.
But it's not as it seems.
They are working together to bring about the global agenda, and systemically using terrorist groups disguised as "social justice" groups (although that cover is being lifted more and more each day- before long they will operate openly as Marxists). They have powerful foreign $
Many who are supporting this are foreign enemies (cheye-nuhhh). Our domestic traitors are usually stupid with money and their criminal misdeeds fall short on the accounting... they squander their millions and then need to be bankrolled by their foreign loan sharks, who eagerly
accept. I'm not saying anything that you don't already know, but I think we need fresh motivation to break through the strong holds beyond social media. We need to force MSM to stop giving fraudulent reports about the virus, masking, etc. The enemy's biggest weapon is MSM.
I don't watch TV, but I know when they've told people they're gonna die, because suddenly they start wearing their masks of submission again.

We new strategies. So far I've only found that one statute that I think could help. Maybe others can think of something else
/end thread/
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