Idk bout y’all but I remeber this specific lesson from science talking bout how in 100 years LA will be covered with water and the San Andres fault Plates having like hella movement and will crack the land or some shii but Newport is starting to flood and we’ve been having lowk-
Earthquakes, like I ain’t no genius and this might sound dumb asf and it’s 3 in the morning and I worked a 6 hour shift and still have not gotten any sleep for about 24 hours now but y’all think we gon live thru them “San Andres” & “2012” movies 😗
Like idk bout yall but I’ve been lowkey like making plans and shii 💀 ya know just in case but like don’t quote me cause I ain’t no scientist or them geographic people 🤣 so I really don’t know shii but science I learned by ight teachers who just cared to get paid
But like if you know more bout that shii I am down to listen cause lowkey it do be interesting but anywho that’s my 3 am thoughts and honestly i won’t be surprised if this is the year some crazy shii like that happens 💀 like it’s 2020 what can we expect
And it’s funny to me that all of this starts to happen on July 4th cause this really could be it and the land finally speaking back to all the white people that this shii was never theirs 😗 anywho manifest your positive things today and good vibes and let’s see what happens 🙈
But if this shii do start happening, I might have to be Raven next with this visions 😳 lol but I ain’t have no vision just some thoughts cause a bitch be overthinking 😗 but y’all read this thread and lemme know if you think I needa take my ass to sleep 😣
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