On this 4th July, when America & UK are in such political turmoil, here is a THREAD to shine a light on the way that attachment experiences in childhood shape political views in adulthood. Essentially, it comes down to how a person copes w/ a sense of uncertainty.
2. This sobering discssn on @QuickTake explores where political divisions might take America. Those divisions are no longer 'just' emotional. They are geographical. Ppl are moving so they can form communities with others who share their political outlook. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=679860736190855&ref=watch_permalink
3. "The 2012 study showed that parents who tended to be more authoritarian in their parenting styles--believng that children should always obey their parents--tended to have 18-year-olds with more conservative political beliefs." https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/under-the-influence/201210/early-life-shapes-political-attitudes
6. 2008 study: "Insecurely attached ppl were attracted to ideas that created t impression of certainty & lack of critical doubt. Securely attached were attracted to ideas that recognised greater complexity in t world & provided fewer easy solutions." https://thepsychologist.bps.org.uk/volume-28/december-2015/attachment-beyond-interpersonal-relationships
9. Let me draw this thread to a close by highlighting one of my favourite authors - Robin Grille, in Australia. His book traces how cultures' dominant parenting styles have given rise to Nazi Germany, far-right USA & geographically ambitious Israel. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1764731.Parenting_for_a_Peaceful_World
11/end. This is why I continue to talk abt attachment & children, even as our political divisions become more urgent & dangerous. The origins of those divisions are not only economic. They lie in our unconscious emotional pasts. How we treat our children matters matters matters.
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