Death threats. To a voice artist. Because idiots didn’t like the way the game she worked in was written. Fucking hell.

So to be clear these failsons are going for: hating women, hating different body shapes, hating diversity in general and not getting how the industry works
Just...don’t. Just don’t. I mean it’s bad enough by itself but coming at the end of yet another reveal of endless horrors which as per Fucking usual have been met by and large with a shrug and everyone getting distracted by the next atrocity? It’s disgusting. And familiar.
It’s like a dance routine: death threats, industry condemnation, endless 18 minute YouTube videos to camera, half assed pledge to do better and take a bow, everyone!
Meanwhile in publishing, it takes three times as long for a white harasser to get bounced than a POC one, or not at all if he has a famous mom, or says the right things, or dances the Whedon two step, or any one of a dozen other ways out that shouldn’t work and always ALWAYS do
One last thing: when conventions do fire back up, if one doesn’t have a harassment policy? Don’t fucking go. Don’t work it. Don’t attend it. It doesn’t care about your safety. Don’t care about its bank balance.
Anyway, more coffee.
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