It’s incredible to see how peoples opinion change about someone if they say how they have been hurt, like bruh what are poeple expecting when they say “she should die” “**** her” and then be like “ :o they are sad” like no sh** Sherlock. Saying that is bullying, 1/?
Doesnt matter if they have done something in there past they are still human. They still have feelings. Bullying is bullying, and if you have exemptions because of what they have done in the past then i think you need to reconsider your values. Think before you type something 2/?
Even if they have done something minor like the alinty stuff. You just need to think how it will effect them. Imagine if you made a mistake and people harassed your for months on end. Just why. If you don’t know their side of the story then dont comment on it as simple as that3/?
And this also directed to the cancel culture community. If you dont have the all the sides of the story then you shouldn’t have the right to say they should die, or get “canceled” i really think that cancel culture should exist only if people abide by these standards 4/?
Or else it just isnt fair for the side that is getting canceled. Now i would like to thank you for reading this and hope you have changed your mind if you did this or agree with what i said was wrong. I typed a lot lol this should have been my speech last week i would have 5/6
Easily got to the 3 minute mark lol 😂 have a great night or day and if you ever see someone or even me taking part of this type of stuff please redirect this thread to them. :)
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