I've finished my study into two schools of thought on NG Twitter and why they are constantly at war.

The battle here isn't along gender lines, poverty lines, or humanity lines.

The real divide here is ideological. It's 'Personal Accountability' crew vs 'Morality Crew'. Thread.
PA School: We have more power as individuals. We need to be accountable, show some back bone, and tackle life head on. Embrace reality head-on.

MC: This world is cold and wicked, everything and everyone is against us, we are victims of existence, and reality is traumatizing.
Leaders of the PA: Affi, Irene, Sugabelly, Biola Kazeem, Idris, Odanz and others.

Leaders of MC: Ozzy, Jollz, FK, Uloma, Kiki and other members of Empathy FC.

These schools of thought are always clashing, but along mundanities. All other arguments due their differing lenses.
PA believes in rationality: Not everyone and everything should be trauma, humanity is flawed and complex, but we can dominate. Mistakes happen, forgiveness exists.

MC: Everyone is a victim of something, trauma is real, and the world is black or white. Good vs Bad, we are good.
PA: Solid, measurable actions are the best way to tackle problems. Screaming about a problem everyday does not solve it.

MC: We will solve problems by highlighting, and highlighting, and some activism and advocacy will help. Everyone that isn't advocating is complicit.
PA: When people fuck up, it's because they are flawed people, and they're capable of change and growth. Extend grace.

MC: People who fuck up deserve to have their lives ruined and destroyed because they are a part of our trauma, and we want them diminished forever.
PA: Ideals are a myth. We work with what we have, focus on what we can control and hope our actions change the world.

MC: Ideals should exist. Reality sucks and isn't a place for us. We will rally for that ideal, even though we know we can't really fix it. Let's just fight.
Everyone belongs to either group. They just know how to move along lines.

MC is loud and aggressive, because trauma. PA are measured and rational, because this world get as e be. Compromise is reality.
We definitely have more PA than MC. Leaders of industries are mostly PA people. Some are sympathetic to MCs, but when push comes to shove, team PA is where they pitch their tent.

MC have utilised shame and aggression against PA. PA continues to embrace rationality. Regardless.
MC are loud, and it's easy to think loud people are the dominant.

But PA people have more numbers, and don't have strength for drama. So they stay silent as a majority, and continue living life on their terms knowing that if they openly identify, they'll be harassed by MC.
But slowly, with passage of time, more people are beginning to openly identify as PA. MC continues to attack them, cancel them, and try to ruin them. But the PAs know that most of it is just talk. Reality isn't ideal, and balance is the only working way.

The End.
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