Yeah this deserves a thread.

Slow clap for the "shadow minister for pointless derision" who is incapable of contributing anything to the discourse during a pandemic.

You notice what you never hear from these privileged gibbons in our state's opposition? A sceric of concern for the actual residents who are living a nightmare, trapped with a fatal virus while police are enforcing a lockdown.

These residents did not fly in from Aspen on a private jet and ignore the quarantine restrictions. More likely these are the ones who missed out on federal support because our PM "stuffed up" when he overlooked casual workers, universities and the arts.

Possibly some of them have also suffered from #robodebt, a monumental "stuff up" that led to thousands committing suicide and countless more too afraid to seek welfare.

How many people in these council blocks simply can't afford to miss a day of work, retrain or look for a "better job" (yes looking at you Mr Hockey and the sweet sweet deals you've scored since stuffing up your most important job).

The entire point of a federal response to the pandemic was to make sure people don't fall through the cracks. Our PM decided the first priority was *business*. So we will be paying for his "stuff up" for a long while to come.

Perhaps the "shadow minister for wailing like a burning banshee" might want to consider if he has any advice for actually dealing with a pandemic?

Or has he spent the last 3 months demanding the lockdowns end???

It's galling that these bland ideologues have nothing useful to offer when there is a genuine crisis. bagging out Dan Andrews is top level pathetic because without Dan making the tough decisions back in March and April we might have a USA level problem instead.

Just for perspective, there are 130,000 people DEAD in the USA because of their failure to deal with Covid, politics and welfare. The real number is likely much higher.

More people died from #Robodebt in Australia than Covid, which makes our federal govt the real "stuff up"

I can't remember his name he's so forgettable, but the "shadow minister for taking donations from developers" want's to blame the Premier for contractors at a hotel who did the wrong thing.

Somehow the Premier is personally accountable for everyone else's mistakes?

Please @ me if you can recall the last time ANYONE in the LNP stood up and said "I made a mistake it was my fault".

Dan is taking responsibility to handle the situation.

Many others are not.

There are hundreds of people who live below the poverty line suffering from this pandemic, especially in council flats, and these opposition hacks need to start helping or JUST BUGGER OFF.

Yeah NOT DONE it seems. Sorry.

A genuine "stuff up" is when you allocate $60bn of support for people who have lost their income and then FAIL TO DELIVER IT.

Looking at you Josh.

A genuine "stuff up" is when you decide to take a holiday in Hawaii while the nation is burning from east to west and the worst destruction of habitat and wilderness is taking place.

You know who did that.

A genuine "stuff up" is when you decide not to fund water bombers in May and then find you need a shit tonne of water bombers in December. Not taking advice from experts is a "stuff up".

A genuine "stuff up" is when you promise funding for bushfire victims and 6 months later they're living in tents and trying to avoid a pandemic through the winter cold.

This is all bleeding obvious but needs saying because so many in the LNP have no idea what a stuff up is.

So the "shadow minister for piss farting away tax payer dollars" wants to take cheap shots at the Premier during a pandemic. Is that helpful? Is that leading to a better discourse?

Just for once I'd like to see these pillocks offer actual debate over policy. Just once.

I'm mad as hell at these entitled gits blathering about "law and order" and yet the actual federal minister for home affairs is repeatedly found to breach court orders again and again. They do not respect law, they just want power.

Just one thing for Edward O'Donohue. Mate, do something useful. For once in your cotton padded life of luxury get off your but and go see what life is like for other people and find a way to help them. Stop being a waste of oxygen.

/done /again
Here's a good example of what I mean when I say "contributing to the discussion". Most of our political class could learn from this.
And this. Totally this.
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