Indonesia: "We are now an upper middle income country."

Also Indonesia:
How ethical is our poverty line?
Who should we tax more?
Do we need a wealth redistribution?
Do we need a wealth redistribution?
Who should we tax more?
How ethical is our poverty line?
More about the current state of our taxation system in Indonesia, and how the rich benefits more from it (and why trickle-down economics doesn't work):
Apakah filantropi/kedermawanan orang kaya solusi atas ketimpangan kekayaan? Haruskah kita terus bergantung pada belas kasihan orang kaya? 👇
Tax or philanthropy?
Tax or philanthropy?
Apakah filantropi/kedermawanan orang kaya solusi atas ketimpangan kekayaan? Haruskah kita terus bergantung pada belas kasihan orang kaya?
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