Over a period of last few weeks, there are lot of queries to me abt my max drawdowns over a period of time. So below are few shame-filled days where I was on the receiving end, and lost big; because of I was less skillful / disciplined / prepared / matured as a trader 1/
But these are the events that prepared me for better .Here are some of my biggest memorable one day losses

Brexit: 16l
Demon / Trump: 14l
CESC Demerger: 9l
WockPharma Crack: 8l
US - Iran Tension: 9.5l
US - Korea Tension: 12l
Nifty 10% freeze: 19l (after making 14l profit) 2/
Have lost counts of occasions where I've lost 1-3 lacs on daily basis


1 - We don't need to trade every day and every hour. Where and which zones "NOT TO TRADE" is a much needed skillset just like reading charts and data. It gave me the much required trading edge 3/
2 - Knowing the DNA of your trading style helps. Owning Timeframes, kind of stocks to trade, Understanding your the Risk profile and how much loss you can stomach, these do help

3 - No one trade should make you or break you. Most of the loosing trades were HOPE AGAINST HOPE 4/
And after losing enough realised all that matters is Discipline and Overtrading kills. It's always one of the aspect that that's really important. Once we have position sizing under control most of the things will be in order.
Most people lose in F&O is not because its a bad 5/
Instrument, but because of the fact they end try to take positions above and beyond their weight. Have seen it close enough to understand the downfall.

Will keep adding more and more in time to come. Feel free to add ur shame-filled trading blunders and the LEARNINGS from it
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