
The Fallacy of the Excluded Middle.

This claim is absolutely false.

No such society is being fostered.
I'm not petrified to speak.


I recognize that we're in a passing phase of mass hysteria.

This won't last beyond the reelection of @realDonaldTrump
And besides, Cancel Culture only has as much power as you give it.

Most companies can't make money when they're constantly groveling to people who are too stupid to see the freight train coming right at them.

In the 2008 Georgia primary, Obama got 704,247 votes.
In the 2020 Georgia primary, Trump--running unopposed--got 714,848 votes.

Pandemic, economic shutdown, and riots had ZERO impact on Trump's support in a state where the Democrats have a 2 percent advantage.

Cancel Culture doesn't see what's going to happen.
After Trump is reelected, everyone is going to start telling race-baiters etc. to cram it.

I repeat:

I'm not petrified to speak. But I'm certainly not going to BAIT people.

Let me ask you:

Do you feel a LACK at not saying the N-word in public?

Do you feel deprived?
Similarly, do you feel the need to make up racist terms such as "caucasity" and "joke" about stabbing people?

I could get banned from Twitter by using racist terms that change non-caucasian skin color into nouns.
But the fact is I don't go berserk and let my mouth say whatever it wants.


Anybody who goes berserk hearing "all lives matter" is not stable.

She made the paper-cut analogy that so many others are using.
Another one is an emergency waiting room in one person has a paper cut and the other a traumatically amputated leg.

You know what all these geniuses are saying?


That's what white supremacists say.
Dr. Ben Carson is the most skilled pediatric neurosurgeon in history.

Charles V Payne @cvpayne is an entirely self-taught investment guru who started making money for people in his neighborhood.
Payne was an air force police officer who attended two colleges while in the service.

Secretary Carson and Charles Payne would be shocked to learn that they're disabled.

In this phase of mass hysteria, leftists are reintroducing Jim Crow laws, but in reverse.
And now we have apartheid.

One national anthem for black people, and another for the rest of us.

Separate hotels, airliners, and waiting rooms are next.

What happens to black Americans who refuse to ride on black-only airliners?
The leftist Brownshirts will beat them bloody.

That's what'll happen.

This can't last because it's too insane.

All insanity gets worse if untreated. It NEVER levels out.


Insanity is catching.
I never use slang.

For a long time, everyone was saying, "That's not okay!"

I even saw a video of a shooting in Chicago, where someone said as she stood over the corpse, "That's not okay!"

REALLY?! Are you SURE?
Now it's "spicy."

People became extremely permeable. It got to the point that a tiny percentage of the population became convinced that they're the majority.

They have a plan:
They think that Trump is universally hated, so they're actually saying that Joe Biden only has to stay alive to win.

I hope Catholics won't be too offended by what I say next, but it was truly horrific to see Pope John Paul II in his final days.
He couldn't walk, he couldn't speak, he couldn't sit up straight.

The actor Glenn Ford lived to be 90.

He stopped appearing in public long before he died.

Old age isn't a curse. This man is 74.
I'm almost 60.

It's not a big deal.

The goal is to be 70. Then 80. Then 90. Then 100.

But I'm not running for president.

Just being ALIVE isn't good enough. A president must not have dementia. It's an automatic disqualifier.
And that's what I mean by this phase being too insane to last.


He always has an earpiece now so that he can be fed his lines.

Guess what?
If there are debates, Trump just has to wear a jammer.


Since the earpiece is wireless, Trump can't wear a transmitter that inject malware.

Biden's earpiece can be hacked, and he can be fed lines.
"My plan is to cut off the feet of everyone who's left-handed."


But the insanity hasn't peaked yet. Give it another couple of months.

After the Democratic National Convention, Trump goes all in.
As the 2016 election proved, Trump support can't be gauged, and nobody can poll for electoral votes.

The electoral votes go to the candidate with a PLURALITY of votes, not a MAJORITY.

A plurality of the votes is more than all the other candidates.
That's how Hillary won the popular vote but not the Electoral College vote.

By targeting the right COUNTIES, Trump can win by electoral votes again.

But I think he'll get the popular vote too.

Everything is fine.

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