We are already pursuing a
Government over the £108m PPE contracts it said it entered into with a chocolatier and a supplier of pigeon netting.

I know there's only so much of this weirdness you can take but here are two more.

First Aventis Solutions Limited.
It's an employment agency with net assets of £322.
You may think it is not the most obvious place from which to purchase £18.5m worth of facemasks (for which contract it was apparently the only bidder). This Government disagrees. https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:309296-2020:TEXT:EN:HTML&src=0
But wait, that is nothing.

The Government spent a cool quarter of a billion quid buying facemasks from a rather interesting outfit called Ayanda Capital Limited (again it was apparently the only tenderer). https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:309303-2020:TEXT:EN:HTML&src=0.
Government does give you the chance to click through and read the contract but (as with every single on I have tried) the link is broken ( https://ted.europa.eu/udl?uri=TED:NOTICE:309303-2020:TEXT:EN:HTML&src=0).
So what do we know about Ayanda Capital Limited?

Well, it is owned by the Horlick family through an entity based in Mauritius, one of the worst tax havens in the world.
Its net assets (in its unaudited accounts) look healthy but are swamped by its intangible assets, which could be anything.
Its website says that it is a "family office" focusing on currency trading, etc. Not an obvious place to buy PPE.

(A family office is a rather ugly creature of late capitalism. If you have SOO much money you need a business specially to look after it then...)
This rather interesting man doesn't appear anywhere on Ayanda's website...
But his LinkedIn entry describes him as a Senior Board Adviser. Oh, and an Adviser to Liz Truss' Board of Trade (which does contain an Andrew Mills).
And he has a twitter profile which is rather on-brand for the modern Conservative Party.
A fair bit of White Lives Matter type stuff with the characteristic sprinkling of support for transphobes. But mostly it is RTing support for @trussliz.
Anyway, as Ayanda Capital's contract is by far the biggest I've seen; and its business lines don't include supplying PPE; and it is owned through an especially grim tax haven; and has links to the Tories, this might be one for journalists to take a look at.
Thank you everyone.

So, in addition to the chocolatier and the pest controller contracts, shall we go after the:
Playing a starring role in this ☝️thread ☝️ is Board of Trade adviser and @trussliz fan Andrew Mills (who has just changed his twitter handle).

Nothing at all to see here.
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