Things you need to know before approaching a lady you’d want to date [A Thread]

1) Don't Come On Too Strong Early.
Let the relationship develop at its own pace. Coming on too strong early will almost certainly creep her out. Gradually get stronger feelings for her as you go on with the relationship together.
2) Be Brave

Most girls like people with confidence, not an ego. Just walk up to her and start a simple conversation. She'll get the hint that you are interested in her.
Start with a simple conversation starter like; “That's a really nice dress. Where is it from?"
3) Be Around Other Girls

This is not the same thing as flirting with other girls, which is probably not a good move. Being around other girls tells the girl that you're really interested in the fact that other girls find you safe, reliable, and easy to be around.
4) Have Good Hygiene

Women take pride in smelling clean and looking kempt! That means if a man has good hygiene, it works really well on her. The opposite, bad hygiene, is usually an immediate deal-breaker.
5) Make Her Laugh

You'll get a lot further this way. But don't take advantage of this. Let her be your best friend first, then ease into things. A girl needs to know that she can trust you, and that you're not going to break her heart because you really do care about her.
6) Be Sincere

Compliments, flirting, teasing, carefulness; none of it matters unless you truly do care. When you do decide to compliment her, take time to reflect on what you like about her, summon up the courage to tell her, and be sincere.
7) Compliment Her

Complimenting a girl is tough, every person wants to feel good about themselves, but the right compliment is really hard to come by. Not only that, a little complimenting goes a long way.
8) Make Your Intentions Clear

Tell her how you feel about her and try as much as possible to Love who she is, inside and out. And show it. This is the last and most important step. If she knows you love her she will be more keen to go into a relationship with you.
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