The Executive Order calls for the casting and installation of statues of "American heroes" in a National Garden to be established. Statues will also be scattered around in various states. (2
Trump's statue executive order protects statues and explicitly defines "historically significant American" to include Columbus and Junipero Serra.
If you don't know, both of those colonizer butchers are an inflammatory subject to Indigenous folks. (3
Then Trump's order lists acceptable (to them) "American Heroes" for the statues.
In addition to including some broadly acceptable people, they also include Reagan, Scalia, and Billy Graham. And Indian-killing land thieves Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. (4
Trump's brain trust must have decided that, if they included some Black figures in their "American Heroes" statues, then people would suddenly overlook how racist they are. There are no Indigenous, Latinx, Asian or other non-Black POC on the list of "American Heroes." (5
Anyone who dumps paint on, tears down, or otherwise modifies an "American Heroes" statue will be subject to federal prosecution.
Reminder that those "heroes" will include Columbus, Junipero Serra, Daniel Boone & Davy Crocket as well as some others that would be natural targets.
The obsession of the Trump administration & its supporters with monuments & statues is so fascist.
They want to glorify themselves & settler colonialism.
They want to compel the rest of us to gaze upon oppressive images of their choice such as Columbus, whether we like it or not.
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