Look I was sad & shocked to see the article, but let us look at ways to bring about change & solutions. I still believe this is an opportunity to do something different in our city. I am interested in solutions let's create a task force or something.

That is solution focused
That is not driven by one person, we have to many phenomenal leaders in our city from the Black & Asian community but we are not united especially between Black & Asian too often many use the BAME tag when it suits for own benefit but not really for the wider good.
I am not interested in 1 or 2 people or organsiations get tokenistic appointments or commissions. That is not representative of the whole city. I am sick & tired of seeing the same faces in the name of BAME getting comissioned that don't talk or work with nobody else
but themselves. Let us come together with that said I propose let us try and have an initial conversation to understand what is out there, what has been done, let's have the honest conversation amongst ourselves, then let's explore collective solutions.
Let's start the conversation NOW here is a Zoom invite for Monday 3pm. Register in advance https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odemgpzIiG9RDQUA_HPmEktDb3zfEGpen
No more talking, action & solutions that is open to everyone on this thread & who in Birmingham class themselves as a leader from the Black or Asian community enough is enough let's have the honest conversation amongst ourselves and then move forward with solutions, idea out loud
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